Preface By William St Clair

I have known Ron Petrinovich for about 28 years. For most of that time, we have been business partners. Ron grew up in San Jose, CA as the son of a CPA and entrepreneur who founded one of the largest Accounting Firms in Silicon Valley. Ron’s father instilled in him the importance of being in business for yourself and the role of proper tax-efficient retirement planning. 

Ron earned both his Bachelor of Science Degree in Marketing and his Master of Business Administration at Santa Clara University. While he learned a lot of valuable things in college, he never learned how money worked or how to plan effectively for retirement. His curiosity turned into a passion as he developed an insatiable appetite for learning as much as possible about the subject. While he enjoyed early success as a restaurant and nightclub owner, he realized the financial services industry would provide a better quality of life and a potentially higher income. Ron then built a nationwide company that tells the story of Living Benefits and how to retire with dignity. 

Today, he remains the CEO and one of three founding partners of Freedom Equity Group (FEG), a company dedicated to bringing much-needed financial education to middle America. With over three decades of experience in financial services, he is considered by his peers and insurance company executives as one of the foremost experts in the industry. Ron is EXTREMELY PASSIONATE about FEG’s consumer message and our crusade, which you will learn about in this book.

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